Off Limits Event Professionals have developed the 'Motion Machine' to provide an event that involves teams in a competitive format. The main emphasis though is getting the message across that everyone contributes to the overall success of the organization. This we believe can be related to business and how we work on a day to day basis.
In order to do this we have created our own Motion Machine which could be described as a giant combination of the Meccano (that we loved as children!) and the retro game of Mousetrap.
Each team is given a flight case which contains all they need to create their own section of the game. This is a complex exercise and the teams must make sure that all parts are assembled correctly. Any errors will become obvious when all teams join together for the explosive finale!
The machine is started when Team One release a lever and set the 'Machine in Motion' � If all units are assembled correctly and positioned right, the machine will run like clockwork and the rocket will be fired at the end.
The group as a whole will only have three chances to get this right � planning, time management and delegation are all important factors to ensure that all teams succeed in this venture!
At the conclusion of the event there will not be one winner but a huge applause as it becomes obvious that the group efforts have resulted in success � everyone is a winner no matter how big or small part they played in the event. |